Friday, August 21, 2009

No artificial ingredients

Hi, and welcome to the Costa Rica blog! I made this blog to help people know about this small central-american country, it will also be help guide for new tourists going over there.

The creator:

My name is Andrés Bejarano. I'm a Costa Rican living in Sao Paulo, Brazil for study reasons. Back in Costa Rica I used to live in Moravia, or as i like to call it "the capital of the world". Why do I call it like that? It's because EVERYTHING is near it. You can find anything you are looking for there and if its not there its a 20 mins drive at most to get there. Seeing as I know Moravia the most I'll start the guide with Moravia.


    WOW Costa Rica look beautiful

  2. I've always wanted to go to Costa Rica. My dad and brother went once on a surf trip and I've always been jealous. I'm looking forward to learning more about your country.
